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Friday, 13 December 2013

OBIEE 11g: How to Display the Export link Above a Analysis/Report

By default, the report links (such as Refresh, Print, Export etc.) are displayed below the results at the bottom of the page when an analysis is embedded in a dashboard.

How can you add an Export link be displayed above the analysis at the top of the page?

You can add the Export link above the analysis in the dashboard by embedding HTML code in a text object in the dashboard.

If you can't view the page source to find out the code used in the Export link, then use a tool such as Firebug (an add-on for Firefox).

1. Download and install the "Firebug" add-in for Mozilla Firefox.
2. Using the Mozilla Firefox browser, connect to the Oracle BI Presentation Services.
3. If there is no Export link already on the dashboard page, modify the dashboard to display the default Export link:

  • Click on Report Properties
  • Click on Report Links
  • Click on Specify Customize
  • Select / Check-on the Export link

4. Run the dashboard.  Right-click on the Export link and choose "Inspect Element" from the menu.
The Firebug window will open and show the HTML code for the Export link.  For example:
" <a onclick="return NQWPopupMenu(event,'idDownloadLinksMenud:dashboard~p:kt2pno6icsoqi2gi~r:ea3h2fsvhvtaanqg')"
href="javascript:void(null)" title="Export to different format" name="ReportLinkMenu">Export</a> "

5. Copy the highlighted code.
6. Add a text object above the analysis in the dashboard.
7. Paste the copied code into the text object and check the "Contains HTML Markup" check box.
8. Save the dashboard

Now the dashboard will display an "additional" Export link above the analysis.