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Sunday, 27 July 2014

[nQSError: 17001] ORA-12899: value too large for column "SIEBEL"."S_NQ_ACCT_OBI"."QUERY_TEXT" (actual: 1026, maximum: 1024)

Dear All,

Usage tracking gives these errors in the nQServer.log file for queries that are too large:
[59048] Usage Tracking encountered an insert statement execution error. This error has occurred 1 times and resulted in the loss of 1 insert statements since this message was last logged.

[nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 12899, message: ORA-12899: value too large for column "SIEBEL"."S_NQ_ACCT_OBI"."QUERY_TEXT" (actual: 1026, maximum: 1024)

The current behaviour is that QUERY_TEXT column in the table S_NQ_ACCT is of
the type VARCHAR2, and as such has a default length of 1024 and is limited to 4000 bytes (on Oracle rdbms).

The Administrator can increase the default length of 1024 to a maximum of 4000 if you have logical queries that are too long. But then you are limited by the database restrictions, ie VARCHAR2 length limits on oracle is 4000 bytes. 

If a logical query is over 4000 bytes, the whole row insert will fail with:
  error err=12899, value too large for column

You can however at least have a column of 4000 bytes.
For this, please ensure the QUERY_TEXT column is varchar2(4000) , and also change the column size in Physical table definition in the OBIEE repository.

Sincere Regards,

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